MapleStory Finger Point

Wednesday 28 September 2016

A toy a toy my childhood for a toy Pt2. Star Wars Special


Growing up during the birth of the Star Wars era I quickly became one with the force and all the it brought too, toys I mean Star Wars merchandise is in its own galaxy far far away, growing up this was the main fix for mine and my brothers birthdays and Christmases.

The Star Wars toys I had as a child were played with as a child would, but looking at what they are worth now does bring a tear to my eye. So the stuff we had was heavily out weighed by all of the things we wanted just like every other Star Wars loving kid. Figures I had (crying as I type) I had numerous figures Luke, Han, Chewy, Darth Vader they were the most used toys ever. Luke, Obi Wan and Darth Vader were the lightsabers wielding figures, their sabers were slotted into the right arm with a small bit of plastic at the base of the lightsaber allowing you to extend or sheath your light sabre, sadly this was one of the first things to be lost and I quickly replaced it with a matchstick a used one was better as the end was already tapered for the whole in the figures arm.

Me and my brother also had original lightsabers, I remember them being white plastic tubes black handles and turned blue when you pressed the button, with this I was Luke Skywalker fighting for the rebels though this was short lived as the way me and my brother braid them together in our Jedi battles it was only a matter of time before they came to a shattering end 'literally'. Our sabers went to the graveyard of broken toys AKA the dustbin. one of my other favourite Star Wars toys was my Han Solo blaster know I was small back then but this was quite a large gun, I remember running round the garden on a sunny day blasting imaginary stormtroopers and saving the galaxy. 

our passion for Star Wars didn't stop at toys we had our bedroom covered completely in Star Wars wallpaper, we used to use the paper as target practice for our darts when we didn't use them on the dart board, by the time my Mam re-papered the bedroom it looked like a pincushion. They were good times and yes we were allowed darts without adult supervision it wasn't frowned upon and there wasn't a risk of choking.

The Star Wars movie was also the first ever movie I went to see, from watching cartoons on a 28" colour TV to sitting in the front of a massive cinema screen blasting out the theme tune and me watching in awe as the yellow text faded off into space then the Imperial cruiser flying in space was pants wettingly brilliant 'though I didn't wet my pants really!', I also came up with a nickname for Chewbacca I called him Chewbackyash lame but hey I was young.

Now onto the toys I never had the I can dream wishlist the Star Wars toys on this list were mainly vehicles and even back then were quite pricey so weren't even considered. 

The Millennium Falcon this was the toy every kid of my age wanted this thing was huge and so was the price sadly but it was the toy I wanted all through my Star wars childhood, it came with a removable roof allowing for in ship playing. even as an adult the thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion to buy one but my conscience (my lass) wouldn't allow it. Darth Vaders tie fighter was a want purely because it was Darth Vaders and that it looked sooo! cool. The scout walker and the AT-AT were purely an impulse want and I wanted them the AT-AT was about the size of a small dog have to say iv never seen any of the above toys for real only on the web (boohoo! me) as for the Scout Walker I do remember playing with one of these just cant think as to where sure a friend had one or something like that.

We know that the Star Wars merchandise and movies are huge and the fan base that it has is even bigger. but now that Disney have the rights to Star wars and have begun releasing movies, a whole new range of toys for old and new generations of fans will emerge and may the Star Wars reign never end.

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