MapleStory Finger Point

Monday 19 September 2016

International talk like a Pirate day ye scurvy dogs

Ahoy Mateys this day be national scurvy talk like a Pirate day, th' day we celebrate our scurvy pirate ancestors by shoutin' like a scurvy Pirates. We've all got a wee buccaneer in us from fightin' as lads to th' lust 'ov movies, TV shows 'n books we all love Pirates.

History's Pirates

Ah me harteys the Golden Age of Piracy had its run for thirty years from 1690 to 1720 and Nassau was the Pirate Capital. It all began when privateer Henry Every brought his ship called Fancy ladened with plundered loot plucked from Indian Empire trade ships and sailed into Nassau harbour. Every bribed the Governor of The Bahamas Nicholas Trott with gold, silver and with the Fancy including the ships contents which was still loaded with 50 tons of elephant tusks and 100 barrels of gunpowder, and the birth of Nassau the Pirate Capital was born. Some of the Pirates who traded and defended Nassau where Benjamin Hornigold, Edward Teach better known as "Blackbeard", Charles Vane, "Calico" Jack Rackham and Anne Bonny.

The Pirate book

Treasure Island written by Robert Louis Stevenson was inspired by the real events of the Hirtorical Pirates nearly all of the characters in the book were fictisious like captian Flint, Billy Bones and John Silver, though there was mention of blackbeard in the book too.

Our Favourite on screen scurvy Pirates

Th' most famous movie pirate has to be 'o Captian Jack Sparrow played by 'Johnny Depp', th' Pirate of the Caribean movies be tellin' th' tales 'n adventures 'o Captian Jack as he blunders his way to gettin' what he wants.

If you havnt seen it the TV show Black sails is based on the time of Captian Flint and John Silver years before the events in the Treasure Island book.


Pitate Phrases

Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! - unhappy or disgust
Ahoy! - Hello!
Ahoy, Matey - Hello, my friend!
Ahoy, me Hearties! - the same as saying "Hello, my friends!"
Avast - stop and check this out or pay attention
Aye - yes
Batten down the hatches - put everything away on the ship and tie everything down because a storm is brewing
Blow me down! - like "WTF!"
Booty - treasure
Buccaneer - a Pirate
Cat O'Nine Tails - a whip with nine knotted strands
Crow's nest - lonely platform atop the mast where pirates keep lookout.
Cutlass - sword used by Pirates
Doubloons - coins found in pirate hoards and stashes
Heave Ho - put your back into it
Jolly Roger - Pirate's skull and crossbones flag
Lad, lass, lassie - a younger person
Landlubber - person who doesn't know how to sail
Man-O-War - pirate's ship outfitted for battle
Pieces of eight - coins or found in pirate stashes
Poop deck - part of the ship nearest to the back, which is usually above the captain's cabin. This is not were you take a dump.
Rum - the drink of a Pirate
Scurvy dog - you divvy
Shiver me timbers! - "Oh! Crap"
Walk the plank - a one way ticket to Davy Jones' Locker.

Woe ye all heartly enjoy International speak like a scurvy pirate day thanks to Post like a Pirate
 the fun translator what i used for the Pirate talk.

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